Indian Village Directory

Harij is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Patan District of Gujarat. According to Census 2011 information Harij has a population of 94562 peoples. There are 18786 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Harij sub-district of Gujarat state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Harij
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 38545 38545 48994
Female Population 35764 9804 45568
Households 14548 4238 18786
list of all Villages in Harij
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Khakhal 1783.91 2732
Jasvantpura 389.67 701
Rughnathpura 938.43 1026
Roda 1957.62 4247
Masa 847.03 1476
Dunavada 1609.21 4119
Sankra 1234.04 2411
Vansa 1966.15 2458
Vejavada 953.42 1856
Katara 1608.13 2800
Kumbhana 724.48 1149
Kathi 831.81 2678
Nana 891.06 2019
Sarer 697.99 1327
Bhalana 446.5 598
Malsund 1060.8 948
Piplana 1332.93 2763
Manka (Juna-Nava) 1843.46 4859
Tharod 204.78 1508
Ekalva 1359.53 2142
Savasda 114.15 90
Chabkha 288.47 884
Sarval 1752.6 2178
Khakhdi 1266.26 1521
Boratvada 1574.64 3177
Ravindra 508.15 2171
Kureja 993.05 1803
Tornipur 150.06 529
Adiya 1304.15 3569
Piluvada 331.31 927
Kalana 1069.96 804
Jamanpur 1778.2 2615
Dantarvada 306.71 1679
Jaska 769.44 1329
Jasomav 444.81 1699
Sodhav 721.2 1628
Govna 835.28 1259
Tamboliya 552.74 2041
Paloli 261.34 589

Map of Harij

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