Indian Village Directory

Siwani is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bhiwani District of Haryana. According to Census 2011 information Siwani has a population of 100183 peoples. There are 18739 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Siwani sub-district of Haryana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Siwani
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 42776 42776 52919
Female Population 38264 9000 47264
Households 15197 3542 18739
list of all Villages in Siwani
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Khera(126) 2115 2820
Dhulkot(127) 1358 2285
Rupana(59) 985 1247
Siwani (Rural) (128) 3290 778
Barwa (133) 3613 11830
Naloi (132) 1837 3324
Gurera (131) 1653 4504
Dhani Ramjas (62) 1957 1558
Kikral(129) 956 1899
Devsar(54) 619 993
Dhani Silawali (130) 1710 1497
Lilas (121) 1598 2369
Gaindawas (60) 1901 2387
Bakhtawarpura (61) 940 1229
Gadhwa (125) 653 1037
Kharkari (124) 514 491
Mohila (123) 1832 1766
Budh Saili (122) 1174 2279
Ghangala (117) 1201 2058
Jhupa Kalan(120) 3239 4265
Jhupa Khurd (119) 554 1214
Dhani Bhakhra (118) 1026 2202
Bidhwan (113) 2175 3102
Gudha (116) 1148 2959
Kalod (115) 1902 3045
Kalali (114) 585 1534
Talwani (101) 611 1562
Mandholi Khurd (102) 1875 3330
Siwach (112) 601 1169
Mithi (103) 1171 2627
Matani (111) 1781 2355
Morka (110) 985 2206
Garwa(109) 1624 3119

Map of Siwani

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