Indian Village Directory

Jamkhandi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bagalkot District of Karnataka. According to Census 2011 information Jamkhandi has a population of 470176 peoples. There are 90067 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Jamkhandi sub-district of Karnataka state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Jamkhandi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 151059 151059 237086
Female Population 147087 86003 233090
Households 55639 34428 90067
list of all Villages in Jamkhandi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kalhatti 68.63 437
Terdal (Rural) 4575.93 5548
Tamadaddi 1081.71 3101
Halingali 783.58 7363
Madanamatti 350.28 1207
Asangi 822.29 5787
Kulhalli 2018.78 8353
Hipparagi 2556.89 8560
Madarkhandi 1865.38 5026
Bandigani 1023.52 2140
Yallatti 442.76 3338
Jagadal 2227.67 7815
Banhatti (Rural) 397.3 1345
Hosur 1317.93 3582
Rabkavi (Rural) 299.6 814
Hangandi 1144.61 6438
Sasalatti 1329.91 8226
Kaltippi 553.31 2241
Golbhavi 920.59 5099
Yaragatti 744.84 3005
Chimmad 2325.25 10839
Navalgi 2650.81 7875
Kalhalli 3090.39 3441
Shiraguppi 1171.82 3809
Maigur 1607.87 4419
Muttur 937.32 3589
Kankanawadi 1497.59 3391
Albal 1085.55 2491
Hanchinal 566.82 1214
Kadakol 795.77 2653
Sanal 380.08 2107
Alagur 2155.61 6448
Kunchanur 2301.17 4490
Kumbarhal 1190.18 4848
Jamkhandi (Rural) 5019.44 1808
Kadapatti 187 2752
Hunnur 934.56 9771
Ramateerth 295.72 535
Jakanur 744.11 1209
Chingundi 911.79 1683
Linganur 1427.18 3421
Hunashikatti 776.38 1185
Hulyal 1721.9 4947
Siddapur 2469.99 5058
Mareguddi 1934.47 5665
Konnur 4090.16 8989
Gani 1023.49 2811
Budni 334.48 1200
Tungal 5019.76 7257
Kuragod 665.4 965
Kajibilgi 2527.57 3809
Gothe 4926.32 5357
Kalbilagi 1112.78 2452
Gadyal 1854.44 3598
Kannolli 1966.94 3815
Savalagi 4758.12 12506
Tubachi 939.47 2251
Shurpali 1200.71 3114
Jambagi.(K.D.) 1042.61 1910
Jambagi.(B.K.) 985.33 3982
Takkod 643.97 1583
Takkalaki 856.53 2183
Adihudi 1136.04 5407
Todalbagi 4793.32 8598
Hirepadasalgi 1934.68 7112
Naganur 684.1 2212
Chikkalaki 1946.17 4172
Chikkapadasalgi 1224.02 4150
Kavatagi 1195.61 3021
Janawad 1033.61 1104
Bidari 2798.73 5515

Map of Jamkhandi

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