Indian Village Directory

Wadwani is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bid District of Maharashtra. According to Census 2011 information Wadwani has a population of 87685 peoples. There are 18339 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Wadwani sub-district of Maharashtra state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Wadwani
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 45866 45866 45866
Female Population 41819 0 41819
Households 18339 0 18339
list of all Villages in Wadwani
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kanhobachiwadi 151.09 253
Rui Pimpla 421.78 562
Pimpla Rui 461.87 1019
Khadki 1396.85 2574
Devla Bk. 2159.43 3092
Tokewadi 897.47 903
Dawargaon Bk. 151.33 262
Kaudgaon Bk. 2161.48 4066
Devdhi 1251.47 2565
Chinchwadgaon 898.7 2044
Harishchandra pimpri 1253.57 2229
Pimparkhed 1371 2089
Salimba 881.66 1805
Laxmipur 301.84 439
Kanhapur 526.78 663
Mamla 390 445
Chinchoti 923.41 2297
Bahegavhan 1017 1834
Wadvani 2293 12484
Maujyachiwadi 0 928
Sonnakhota 918.22 1502
Chinchwan 1182.24 2713
Kotharban 389 2448
Pimpaltakka 819.92 1093
Chikhal Bid 2937.52 4460
Khalwat Nimgaon 1500 2564
Kadi wadgaon 1010 1722
Devgaon 436.78 834
Laul No.2 0 1094
Pardi 725.27 927
Khaparwadi 379 886
Mategaon 369.21 645
Kende pimpri 162 478
Dhanora 118.48 364
Chinchala 1583 3797
Dukdegaon 268.94 988
Tigaon 1494 2567
Kuppa 1498.27 4065
Pusra 1023.01 1667
Morwad 1112.05 1664
Hiwargavhan 605 1090
Bavi 234 1081
Lonwal 375.45 1167
Upli 1457 4560
Dhorwadi 799.63 756

Map of Wadwani

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