Indian Village Directory

Veppanthattai is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Perambalur District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Veppanthattai has a population of 148743 peoples. There are 40525 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Veppanthattai sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Veppanthattai
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 62268 62268 73727
Female Population 63271 11745 75016
Households 34069 6456 40525
list of all Villages in Veppanthattai
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Pillankulam 1815.91 3083
Kaikalathur (West) 1606.82 3345
Kaikalathur (East) 883.62 2949
Kariyanur 1429.16 3837
Pasumbalur (North) 1540.82 3047
Pasumbalur (South) 1392.52 2674
Noothappur (North) 1166.84 3875
Noothappur (South) 1737.02 2205
Periyavadagarai 1535.43 2441
Pandagapady 1125.72 1514
Pimbalur 1255.09 2621
V.Kalathur 1355.93 9230
Thiruvalandurai 1083.77 2103
Agaram 196.54 1376
Peraiyur 1403.17 2600
Eraiyur 1181.18 6074
Thevaiyur(North) 1031 4655
Mettupalayam (North) 1316.42 1024
Neikuppai 1977.85 3359
Venbavur 1808.95 2690
Vengalam (East) 1307.75 3109
Vengalam (West) 684.79 2744
Thaluthalai 602.78 2413
Venganur 1617.55 4163
Udumbiam 1693.69 3925
Malayappatti 2018.82 3917
Thondamandurai (West) 1394 2360
Thondamandurai (East) 1133.57 5126
Veppanthattai (North) 1792.4 10148
Veppanthattai (South) 1612.9 3373
Thondappadi 953.14 2290
Anukkur 1832.53 3903
Mettupalayam (South) 1319.7 2538
Thevaiyur (South) 1089.08 2794
Vallikandapuram 1381.43 5385
Brahmadesam 1192.39 2649
Udumbiam R.F. 455 0
Poolambadi R.F 1719 0
Thondamandurai R.F. 952 0
Veppanthattai R.F 912 0
Veppanthattai Extn. R.F. 1283 0

Map of Veppanthattai

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