Indian Village Directory

Kangeyam is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Tiruppur District of Tamil Nadu. According to Census 2011 information Kangeyam has a population of 209385 peoples. There are 64069 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kangeyam sub-district of Tamil Nadu state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kangeyam
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 61824 61824 104751
Female Population 61843 42791 104634
Households 38515 25554 64069
list of all Villages in Kangeyam
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kathanganni 1297.44 2221
Ganapathipalayam 798.02 1087
Thammareddipalayam 620.6 1001
Maravapalayam 1202.73 2679
Peranjervali 1835.62 3876
Naalroad 1744.07 2695
Marudurai 1078.04 1980
Nathakadaiyur 964.33 6574
Mullipuram 1146.28 1445
Palayakottai 1779.14 2618
Keetapalayam 1752.55 3579
Poomandanvalavu 1042.95 1307
Mangalapatti 1007.12 3512
Velampalayam 969.78 3943
Mettupalayam 1784.25 4854
Rasathivalavu 1828.84 2987
Valliarachal 2075.1 3883
Pappini 3321.84 3990
Alambadi 1281.62 2714
Keeranur 1825.34 2680
Sivanmalai 4094.26 7927
Padiyur 1127.67 2628
Kangayampalayam 1062.58 1328
Vadasinnaripalayam 1533.78 1952
Sembandampalayam 880.63 1566
Kadaiyur 1689.01 3520
Vattamalai 1717.61 1804
Veeranampalayam 3458.87 3459
Veeracholapuram 1909.74 1568
Patchapalayam 5011.36 4944
Uthamapalayam 1760.93 4165
Senapathipalayam 4575.96 8264
Lakkumanaickenpatti 1931.2 4177
Kambiliampatti 2380.38 1979
Aratholuvu 1347.62 1063
Mudalipalayam 2771.4 2141
Uthiyur 2862.4 3160
Kurukkapalayam 467.41 1216
Nelali 3837.31 7181

Map of Kangeyam

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