Indian Village Directory

Pathapatnam is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Srikakulam District of Andhra Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Pathapatnam has a population of peoples. There are houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Pathapatnam sub-district of Andhra Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Pathapatnam
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population
Female Population
list of all Villages in Pathapatnam
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Savarasiddamadugu 123 566
Bonni 36 194
Chinakinga 33 91
Adinarayanapeta 5 0
Stuvartupeta 65 112
Sorlanda 83 0
Nallabonthu 166 264
Baidalapuram 213 476
Soda 360 763
Peddasunnapuram 63 165
Nallakotturu 306 539
Routhupuram 477 1680
Atisurikaviti 83 792
Gopalapuram 163 1150
Pathapatnam 492 15954
Antharaba 39 947
Changudi 174 1245
Angarasingi 88 5
Dasaradhipuram 147 426
Ippalapadu 78 0
Sarali 197 879
Kodandapuram 22 0
Chinnapadmapuram 476 930
Dasupuram 62 157
Tiddimi 188 1282
Kotturu 41 0
Praharajapalem 176 1613
Padimanyam 13 0
Buragam 189 1432
Rompivalasa 311 1795
Jaggilibonthu 66 372
Makivalasa 54 213
Phasigangupeta 433 1000
Sobha 74 352
Thamara 120 1243
Gandhamsariya 16 0
Pittalasaria 22 0
Seedi 330 3636
Korasavada 681 7720
Gurandi 430 1008
Borubhadra 894 4347
Labara 757 2201
Chinnamallipuram 303 1143
Peddamallipuram 215 503
Ganguvada 486 2176
Konangi 99 247
Haridwaram 220 1524
Themburu 742 3299
Gittangi 73 198

Map of Pathapatnam

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