Indian Village Directory

Atchutapuram is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Visakhapatnam District of Andhra Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Atchutapuram has a population of peoples. There are houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Atchutapuram sub-district of Andhra Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Atchutapuram
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population
Female Population
list of all Villages in Atchutapuram
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Melupaka Jagannadhapuram 393 2475
Uppavaram 422 1926
Yerravaram 310 1336
Jaggannapeta 183 1028
Khajipalem 149 1422
Pedapadu 272 2308
Thimmarajupeta 156 1934
Haripalem 195 3476
Kondakarla 456 1427
Andalapalle 435 2427
Cheemalapalle 450 2410
Somavaram 512 2046
Jagannadhapura Agraharam 510 256
Dopperla 627 1584
Iravada 476 1263
Gangamambapura Agraharam 39 158
Nunaparthi 410 1540
Nadimpalle 281 295
Ravipalem 272 483
Dosuru 1198 2465
Maduthuru 987 2613
Janguluru 279 701
Bhogapuram 208 1422
Chodapalle 802 4880
Veduruvada 882 3365
Dibbapalem 360 1406
Maruturu 262 1165
Duppituru 885 4000
Uddlapalem 125 741
Pudimadaka 737 9912
Thallapalem 54 0
Chippada 308 1472
Jogannapalem 235 263
Tantadi 603 2378

Map of Atchutapuram

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