Indian Village Directory

Bordumsa is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Changlang District of Arunachal Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Bordumsa has a population of 29045 peoples. There are 5618 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Bordumsa sub-district of Arunachal Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Bordumsa
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 14856 14856 14856
Female Population 14189 0 14189
Households 5618 0 5618
list of all Villages in Bordumsa
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Bordumsa H.Q.Bl.I&II 0 1194
Bordumsa Vill.Bl.I&II 0 1960
Mohong Mura 0 734
Mohong Christian 0 140
Goju 0 637
Kusum Pothar 0 351
Gidding 0 408
Dirak Pothar 0 749
Podumoni 0 186
Namleng 0 85
Lalung Bl. I & II 0 1494
Wakhetna 0 1106
Borkhet 0 977
Magantong Bl.I & II 0 1498
Dapkhu 0 505
Kherempani 0 400
Wagun Ponthai 0 771
Longkhom Ponthai 0 268
Chaimu Bl.I & II 0 1126
Wagun - I 0 444
Wagun - II 0 298
Wagun - III 0 503
Wagun - IV 0 436
Kherem Bisa Bl.I-III 0 1818
Kherem Mura 0 1059
Kherem Kachari 0 321
Galenja Ponthai 0 309
Galenja Singpho 0 366
Rajanagar - I 0 169
Rajanagar-II 0 518
Rajanagar-III 0 547
Bijoypur-I Bl.I -III 0 2655
Bijoypur-II Bl.I - II 0 1173
Bijoypur-III Bl.I & II 0 1434
Gidding Adivashi 0 326
Kumung Pothar -I 0 341
Kumung Pothar - II 0 170
Kumung Pothar - III 0 177
Ucha Bam 0 155
Khauji Potner 0 531
Koriyar Pani 0 476
Gidding Balijan 0 230

Map of Bordumsa

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