Indian Village Directory

Lada is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the East Kameng District of Arunachal Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Lada has a population of 3189 peoples. There are 502 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Lada sub-district of Arunachal Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Lada
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 1640 1640 1640
Female Population 1549 0 1549
Households 502 0 502
list of all Villages in Lada
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Bisai 0 145
Pipiang 0 42
Nissangjang 0 54
Sachung 0 165
Tawe 0 293
Welling Tawe 0 22
Dongkha 0 45
Perai - N.V. 0 0
Kampa - N.V. 0 64
Pia 0 79
Gikung 0 55
Satuk (Ramda) 0 55
Prait 0 29
Lada H.Q. 0 251
Sallang 0 166
Wabalang 0 82
Nabalang 0 127
Granjang 0 70
Wakke 0 70
Drakshi 0 198
Kojo 0 147
Rojo 0 110
Jarkam 0 56
Sekang 0 391
Rapung 0 185
Lower Liyak 0 288
Wada Granjang 0 0

Map of Lada

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