Indian Village Directory

Nyapin is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Kurung Kumey District of Arunachal Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Nyapin has a population of 6651 peoples. There are 1134 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Nyapin sub-district of Arunachal Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Nyapin
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 3291 3291 3291
Female Population 3360 0 3360
Households 1134 0 1134
list of all Villages in Nyapin
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Nyapin H.Q. 0 1243
Hill Top 0 118
Bik 0 169
Torme Yarda 1000 0
Mingpa 0 151
Kaberiang 0 94
Langdo 0 30
Panung 0 50
Pach 0 57
Leyang 0 106
Changkung 0 232
Tabing 0 126
Ragheyer 0 82
Yuba 0 349
Lower Guha 0 7
Kish 0 36
Lower Lorio 0 4
Gaga 0 104
Tapuk 0 170
Longlefoth 50000 372
Dilanggang 50000 119
Kamayer 45000 141
Laba 0 345
Aeyer 0 16
Gyanar 1000 46
Gangnee 0 158
Dolo 0 82
Humga Jariang 0 8
Hiya 0 402
Yarda 0 433
Rangdo 0 203
Lomte 0 283
Paji(Bodoriang) 0 239
Suriu 0 21
Maching 0 57
Maim 0 0
Rate 0 130
Hote 0 54
Boksa 0 150
Jiping 0 36
Taya 0 35
Guha 0 20
Kampu 1000 75
Take 1000 98

Map of Nyapin

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