Indian Village Directory

Tarak-Lengdi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Kurung Kumey District of Arunachal Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Tarak-Lengdi has a population of 3401 peoples. There are 506 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Tarak-Lengdi sub-district of Arunachal Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Tarak-Lengdi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 1662 1662 1662
Female Population 1739 0 1739
Households 506 0 506
list of all Villages in Tarak-Lengdi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Rembing 3600 106
Chimpigi 6600 38
Mipum-Namching 1895 35
Kembing 1590 112
Bump-Hapa 1675 58
Harak 2050 44
Tapa-Poring 1560 52
Pikte 1400 96
Taniyatab 1750 64
Dorduk (T-Tab ) 1860 81
Tanio 1860 0
Delinge 1590 59
Hoter 1590 0
Nama 1610 33
Hepu-Hapa 1730 25
Tayo 1420 121
Riathe 1420 0
Cvuth 0 154
Ganth 0 0
Lolcee 1740 76
Nippum Nachin 1740 0
Gangte (Gente) 1660 65
Charbia 1540 26
Restaring 1870 108
Rabang Cityee 840 675
Gachi 1450 88
Puch-Pute 1250 117
Hoter 1250 0
Boje 2332 127
Lengding 2035 265
Paka 1685 125
Jorge 1685 0
Rabam 1685 0
Tabu 1710 81
Poi 1710 0
Longpongsedi 1710 0
Yorte - II 1710 0
Soba 1710 0
Padpa 0 97
Tahupu(Padpa) 0 0
Tinigang 0 31
Galangputong 1290 60
Korapu 1420 102
Tumpu 1420 0
Tarak-Lengdi 0 222
Kott-Ratt 1520 58

Map of Tarak-Lengdi

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