Indian Village Directory

Lekang (Mahadevpur) is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Lohit District of Arunachal Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Lekang (Mahadevpur) has a population of 28219 peoples. There are 5329 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Lekang (Mahadevpur) sub-district of Arunachal Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Lekang (Mahadevpur)
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 14264 14264 14264
Female Population 13955 0 13955
Households 5329 0 5329
list of all Villages in Lekang (Mahadevpur)
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Lekang Gohain Gaon 0 314
Rangali Beel 0 622
Dirak Miri 0 479
Raja Beel 0 203
Dharampur 0 428
Kharira Chuk 0 519
Krishnapursatghariya 0 101
Ekorani 0 173
Padumoni 0 408
Mohaloni 0 439
Krishnapur 0 264
Waisali 0 371
Kathalguri 0 566
Hati Mara Beel 0 153
Sikari chuk 0 325
Boka Beel 0 350
Sitapani Moran 0 835
Eraloni 0 705
Kaupatani 0 1227
Sitpani Miri 0 596
Dumsi 0 525
Sanga Pathar 0 679
Nongkhon 0 551
Nongkhon II 0 305
Nongkhon Tinali 0 316
Nongkhon Satghoria 0 419
Silatoo (Silatoo Miri) 0 727
Lower Silatoo Miri 0 699
New Silatoo 0 390
Silatoo Kachari 0 136
Silatoo Khamti 0 554
Nockte Chuk 0 70
Kakani 0 107
Philobari 0 373
Kumari Kachari 0 675
Kumari Khamti 0 589
Adivasi Chuk 0 500
Kumari Adivasi 0 446
Singi Beel 0 658
Khowji 0 970
New Mohong 0 1384
Miri Pathar 0 242
Mohong Deori 0 442
Old Mohong 0 677
Old Mohong I 0 83
Old Mohong II 0 755
Old Mohong III 0 316
Mohong Old(Man Paleng) 0 888
Lekang H.Q. 0 1536
Mahadevpur - I 0 1144
Mahadevpur- II 0 622
Mahadevpur- III 0 327
Mahadevpur-IV 0 935
Murthy Camp 0 101

Map of Lekang (Mahadevpur)

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Source: google map