Indian Village Directory

Namsai is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Lohit District of Arunachal Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Namsai has a population of 26865 peoples. There are 5505 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Namsai sub-district of Arunachal Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Namsai
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 6592 6592 14079
Female Population 6027 6759 12786
Households 2360 3145 5505
list of all Villages in Namsai
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Samuguri 0 521
Jaipur 0 580
New Jengthu 0 292
Dhonekhona 0 700
Bhogamur 0 768
Mengkenmiri 0 1301
Kaba Village 0 406
Vijaypur 0 153
Deobeel 0 2149
Poruajan 0 25
2nd Mile 0 613
Kungseng 0 134
Kungsung 0 266
Enten 0 275
Enthem 0 118
Pathargaon 0 444
Manna-II 0 338
6th Mile Camp 0 212
Kaisu 0 232
Manhofai(Manhofai) 0 99
Nanam Shyam 0 0
Nanam Khimiyang-I 0 184
Nanam Khimiyang-II 0 132
Manfaiseng 0 116
Sengsap 0 299
Nanam Khamti 0 747
Kungyao 0 86
Manmow 0 605
Melangkung 0 338
Kaisu L/Camp 0 0
Jengthu Camp 0 25
Kasik 0 461
Kosamfi 0 0

Map of Namsai

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