Indian Village Directory

Pachim Nalbari is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Nalbari District of Assam. According to Census 2011 information Pachim Nalbari has a population of 127252 peoples. There are 26113 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Pachim Nalbari sub-district of Assam state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Pachim Nalbari
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 50238 50238 65105
Female Population 47553 14594 62147
Households 19956 6157 26113
list of all Villages in Pachim Nalbari
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Nadla 297.56 845
Gamarimari 410.59 3759
Fulguri 155.43 785
Niz Mularkuchi 196.37 1861
Bihampur 95.73 888
Pahlanpara 102.74 1151
Khatarupiabathan 236.63 2839
Chamata 330.33 6114
Gandhia 89.2 2228
Solmari 296.43 1557
Amani 613.44 4061
Kathla 182.69 364
Pukhura 491.44 1191
Kandubari 304.42 346
Lakhapur (Larchapur) 711.4 1552
Khelua 432.45 2055
Barhelacha 515.75 2554
Ghilazari 182.16 1632
Sukekuchi 221.13 996
Dahudi 452.73 3237
Kaihati 235.61 1450
Bari 451.27 4093
Niztapa 567.09 2381
Thutikata 90.43 1265
Nalicha 170.29 1133
Billeswar 237.53 2699
Barkhetri Barni(Barkhetri) 285.24 4238
Khudra Khetribarni 22.53 259
Simalia 166.86 1404
Bihampur 189.78 1824
Panigaon 440.42 3427
Santheli(Sandheli) 120.99 1086
Nizpokowa 363.53 3086
Barnarddi (Barnardoli) 275.09 2950
Churchuri 173.45 2130
Batshor 292.35 3237
Mohkholi 127.65 1344
Bagurihati 145.44 2954
Goalpara 179.64 1401
Dehar Bolawa 117.94 1811
Jagara 578.59 6842
Khakhrisal (Khakhisal) 212.42 1462
Kutnikuchi 255.68 828
Bhairaghol 127.13 824
Larakuchi 83.23 131
Godira 114.59 811
Gangapur 313.56 1747
Mohbiyani 130.75 619
Dangardi 104.76 340

Map of Pachim Nalbari

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