Indian Village Directory

Gidhaur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Jamui District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Gidhaur has a population of 77558 peoples. There are 14150 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Gidhaur sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Gidhaur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 40720 40720 40720
Female Population 36838 0 36838
Households 14150 0 14150
list of all Villages in Gidhaur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Maura 760 7163
Gangra 626 7680
Sansarpur 47 1060
Ketru Nawada 196 2144
Banjhulia 116 939
Chhatarpur 38 324
Bandhaura 159 1832
Patsanda 463 9353
Dhobghat 284 2756
Simaria 38 617
Kolhua 183 2930
Kumardih 163 1471
Kharhua 72 911
Mahuli 239 2961
Sewa 743 9151
Ratanpur 1180 10968
Kundhur 269 3519
Nayagaon 212 1268
Genadih 210 2813
Guguldih ( Part in Barhat )* 1115 7698

Map of Gidhaur

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