Indian Village Directory

Mansahi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Katihar District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Mansahi has a population of 84257 peoples. There are 16564 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Mansahi sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Mansahi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 43777 43777 43777
Female Population 40480 0 40480
Households 16564 0 16564
list of all Villages in Mansahi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Chitauria 997.6 11555
Sahebnagar 476 5703
Dumaria Bishunpur 343.2 7850
Mansh Hahi Kebala 32.4 502
Mansh Hahi 325 3499
Chakband 67.1 1491
Ghasi Tola 36.3 498
Mohanpur 503.1 5096
Basantpur 259.1 2780
Naraenpur 77.7 1079
Morangi 117.7 4755
Raghuni Chak 145.7 2686
Bhakhripur 125.8 1423
Ekauna 367.4 2886
Maira 318 2529
Phulahra 338.8 3189
Gurgawan 152.9 484
Lahsa 586.3 4399
Pachbarga 127.9 746
Kuraitha 410 4265
Gobindpur 57.8 276
Pinda 207 1447
Bhermara 427.8 5883
Harparshad 230.3 4823
Dogra Milik 10.1 482
Rampur Santola 1073.7 3931

Map of Mansahi

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