Indian Village Directory

Beldaur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Khagaria District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Beldaur has a population of 200223 peoples. There are 40186 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Beldaur sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Beldaur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 105197 105197 105197
Female Population 95026 0 95026
Households 40186 0 40186
list of all Villages in Beldaur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Muras 388 4076
Goas 702 7035
Bira 299 684
Kingri 1096 11084
Mali 785 8697
Pirnagra 1168 12749
Mahinath Nagar 815 6533
Kumhraili 267 1441
Beldaur 1588 20703
Bobil 878 10334
Pachrasi 479 3590
Sakrohra 1011 8384
Kurman 293 4346
Gindharson 401 1460
Pachaut 927 10450
Dighaun 2239 14941
Sathman 378 2384
Dudraja 858 4773
Barun 533 1389
Itmadi 1335 7767
Chorhli 526 10644
Balaitha 892 7379
Rohinwa 932 5688
Bhela Nauabad 834 7492
Telihar 731 7337
Ramnagar 326 3260
Dumri 892 9208
Pachaut 215 3098
Dharhi 569 3297

Map of Beldaur

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