Indian Village Directory

Pipariya is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Lakhisarai District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Pipariya has a population of 51496 peoples. There are 8345 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Pipariya sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Pipariya
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 27369 27369 27369
Female Population 24127 0 24127
Households 8345 0 8345
list of all Villages in Pipariya
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Piparia 1895.05 11442
Pathua 1293 3048
Rahatpur 913 1356
Sobha Chak 71 0
Jajwara 175 1410
Pawai 190 2188
Belthua 111.35 555
Saidpura 91 2228
Anandpur 106 1000
Paria 109 0
Surji Chak 276 589
Surji Chak 51 0
Paria Nawabganj 11 0
Kasoi 769 1888
Walipur 724.8 7196
Ramchandrapur 1026.05 10500
Alibali 260.35 770
Mohanpur 86 3103
Rahuatola Muriari 555.2 3633
Hasanpur 186.2 590
Mathar 33 0
Chak Dunia 97 0

Map of Pipariya

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