Indian Village Directory

Murliganj is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Madhepura District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Murliganj has a population of 214322 peoples. There are 43717 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Murliganj sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Murliganj
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 97180 97180 112182
Female Population 88451 13689 102140
Households 37981 5736 43717
list of all Villages in Murliganj
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Gangapur 986 10036
Bindraban 154.6 2117
Sakhua 209 1851
Pokhram Milik 6.66 0
Pokhram 591 6006
Parmanandpur Milik 17 0
Gopalitola 351.84 2619
Tirkona 80 1373
Parmanpur 556.77 4671
Khari 713 5593
Belo 1504 15489
Jitapur 731 6968
Bhairopatti 100 3214
Bishunpur 255 2977
Labtol 168 1278
Parwa 615 6623
Narha 166 2697
Bhatkhori 753 8521
Jitapur Arazi 21 0
Bishunpur Korlahi Chakla 0.4 0
Tamautparsa 810 7011
Bishunpur Korlahi Milik 7 1060
Jorgawan 737 8291
Mirganj 435 3006
Rampur 1070.01 10902
Gamharia Ekdara 270.2 3315
DInapatti 398 3694
Khusropatti 310 1909
Pakilpar 413 3985
Dighi 511.69 5058
Raghunathpur 1497.99 17958
Sahebganj Itahari 219 3478
Harpur 996 6948
Gudar Chakla 44 838
Singhian 152 3540
Rani Patti 208.44 2583
Amari Dharhra 423 3762
Rajni 1798.38 15117
Rajnigot Milik 57.24 1143

Map of Murliganj

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