Indian Village Directory

Belchhi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Patna District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Belchhi has a population of 66165 peoples. There are 10946 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Belchhi sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Belchhi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 34804 34804 34804
Female Population 31361 0 31361
Households 10946 0 10946
list of all Villages in Belchhi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Subba Khanda 46 0
Mankaura 236 1836
Harauli 235 2512
Korari 822 9626
Ahranwan 301 2870
Barah 864 7246
Dammar Khandha 24 0
Sikandra 97 1269
Mohammadpur Nawa Bigha 350 902
Fatehpur 143 1776
Gadanpura 131 3044
Harlochanpur 88 0
Belchhi 503 3821
Kisunpur 157 1573
Bisunpur Malchak 194 1464
Bhikhu Chak 60 714
Az-Rakbe Saksohara 23 26
Bandi Chak 52 640
Saksohara 1140 13247
Mahmuda Saksohra 83 1762
Gopai Chak 141 1987
Kabir Chak 93 663
Kaima 161 1772
Kaimadih Sarshikan 195 0
Kumhraura 88 406
Darweshpur 183 1245
Dallu Chak 160 1979
Indauli 259 3785
Chak Ruknuddin 40 0

Map of Belchhi

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