Indian Village Directory

Salkhua is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Saharsa District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Salkhua has a population of 132844 peoples. There are 24785 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Salkhua sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Salkhua
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 69953 69953 69953
Female Population 62891 0 62891
Households 24785 0 24785
list of all Villages in Salkhua
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kathghara 222.94 2160
Khochardewa 342.83 2872
Chanan 698.46 3958
Kabira 1185.36 12790
Sahoria 165.33 641
Chiraia 961.27 5254
Bhirkhi 654 1444
Khajur bana 263 590
Sauthi 305 1248
Kabirpur 482.3 1784
Matihani 12 0
Baldehi 183 170
Tajpur 171.2 408
Murla 241 0
Banganwan 322.3 1033
Raingnian 156.2 1634
Alani 1309.88 6485
Sahuria 542 4003
Basahi 272.46 1351
Shahganwan 578 2019
Gaurdah 770.85 9117
Mianjagir 42.91 0
Kamra 313 1564
Gauri 196.76 1919
Bhelwa 328.34 2235
Harewa 495.14 7941
Gauspur 287.45 4501
Gurganwan 185 3867
Puraini 123.4 1921
Mamarkha(Mobarakpur) 363 4150
Salkhua 521.7 8987
Situahi 218.1 4554
Utesra 705 8251
Kotwalia 593.3 4435
Chhachhua 317.2 1703
Seoti 311 0
Samhar Khurd 350.05 2172
Samhar Kalan 242 874
Kuchaut 772.95 1331
Sahsaili Thuthi 126.7 8
Koparia 470.6 6056
Haransari 370.3 4939
Bankatti 490.1 2475

Map of Salkhua

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