Indian Village Directory

Singhia is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Samastipur District of Bihar. According to Census 2011 information Singhia has a population of 210035 peoples. There are 41059 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Singhia sub-district of Bihar state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Singhia
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 109251 109251 109251
Female Population 100784 0 100784
Households 41059 0 41059
list of all Villages in Singhia
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Jahangirpur 255 5554
Harpur 51 2153
Phulahra 618.4 8639
Lulhaul 1112 14190
Lada 44 1535
Rampur Bahor 317 2693
Kaina 137 2458
Kaina 127 2209
Mahekhaira 787 6236
Morwara 185 2721
Singhia 1802 31952
Basudewa 123 1692
Golea 95 1158
Pato Bilahi 80 2042
Pararia Bherhar 170 3798
Dhenu Dih 34 738
Mohiuddinpur Jamua 127 1895
Bari 892 12962
Mauan 350 3774
Bangarhata 325 8292
Gijamania 9 313
Hardia 607 8799
Patail 89 502
Bharaia Nirpur 291 4336
Mahra 272 4497
Son Mani 164 2862
Arazilachhminia 39 854
Bishunpur Diha 342 6229
Karahi 464 5861
Salepur 478 7870
Agraul 181 2699
Bhirar 125 2254
Lagma 393 4816
Kundal 1097 15626
Mamurpur 169 1798
Arrahi 120 1977
Kankri 98 1256
Arazi Maguraha 49 0
Parhat 240 3037
Bishunpur Kewathar 357 3882
Kabilashi 232 2991
Bharson 81 1181
Dhanaho 645 3843
Bastipatti Mahua urf Murli 229 3275
Bela 82 2586

Map of Singhia

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