Indian Village Directory

Bastanar is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bastar District of Chhattisgarh. According to Census 2011 information Bastanar has a population of 48040 peoples. There are 10259 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Bastanar sub-district of Chhattisgarh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Bastanar
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 23107 23107 23107
Female Population 24933 0 24933
Households 10259 0 10259
list of all Villages in Bastanar
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Naktoka 473.17 312
Mutanpal 3546.82 2836
Sanwgel 1119.98 714
Burgum 859.01 1201
Teetri 57.43 379
Dhokam 251.78 155
Birgoli 772.67 616
Lalaguda 1105.18 1298
Sargiguda 474.73 490
Turangur 352.88 808
Pirmeta 252.66 495
Jamgaon 733.92 774
Borja 616.75 530
Pusem 313.57 286
Korgali 1036.23 442
Bahanpur 1088.44 680
Bagmundipaneda 1142.26 1005
Kodoli 1009.19 727
Bastanar 4407.29 3191
Parlameta 2199.44 471
Irpa 2193.55 1843
Bade Bodenar 2966.5 2715
Kapanar 2168.85 2234
Toynar 88.25 72
Badekakloor 4260.1 4181
Sadrabodenar 1099.06 880
Kumharsadra 1107.69 1305
Palanar 575.2 934
Kawanar 308.12 453
Adwal 320.12 247
Chhotekilepal 709.94 667
Bhosariras 315.43 356
Chhotebodenar 267.44 235
Goriyapal 375.88 249
Tangiyaghori 290.67 313
Batkonta 88.19 164
Manjhi Bhata 119.42 41
Chhotekaklur 106.03 55
Silakjhodi 295.03 387
Tirthum 560.62 800
Kodenar 3946.15 4771
Badekilepal 5944.76 7728

Map of Bastanar

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