Indian Village Directory

Keskal is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bastar District of Chhattisgarh. According to Census 2011 information Keskal has a population of 93003 peoples. There are 19640 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Keskal sub-district of Chhattisgarh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Keskal
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 40157 40157 45822
Female Population 41731 5450 47181
Households 17299 2341 19640
list of all Villages in Keskal
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Eragaon 1058 1651
Umla 378 355
Churegaon 428 375
Kawagaon 386 443
Sawalwahi 468 254
Dundabedma 836 812
Buikijuganar 525 416
Kalepal 385 315
Binjhe 1259 1400
Kanagaon 1002 880
Korgaon 389 337
Parali 228 285
Kothodi 473.38 174
Timdi 878.12 572
Hichka 634 383
Padde 681 439
Todasi 872 1444
Gaddad 378 244
Badekhauli 746 798
Bitalkhauli 494 334
Karmari 403.82 616
Khalebendi 678.44 279
Belgoan 984.77 731
Karrarmeta 729.96 1170
Korkoti 531.28 539
Dhanora 1341.26 3421
Badwar 719.32 823
Baniyagaon 386.18 681
Bhatgaon 511.88 693
Sawala 1270.03 1258
Silati 987.53 690
Umaradah 548.22 135
Kukdadah 1105 301
Kupagondi 559.17 153
Matenga 908.41 363
Sendurmeta 430.98 131
Honehed 698.28 243
Kudadwahi 715.88 165
Kumud 362.07 91
Kuye 420.7 206
Bhandarpal 671.77 291
Madgaon 429.47 151
Khalechandeli 497.47 146
Ghodajhar 761.92 214
Middey 559.27 141
Cherabeda 1031.74 324
Bedmamari 869.07 270
Uparbedi 342.26 138
Uparchandeli 526.93 149
Raobeda 804.91 229
Hudawa 225.51 59
Tutari 1106 377
Girgoli 643.05 149
Uparmurvend 1139.36 411
Randha 466.3 181
Bavnimari 793.69 200
Garhdhanora 1202.92 375
Tumuskonadi 267.69 167
Khalemurvend 1098 992
Parasgaon(Murnar) 633 360
Dhonderapal 666 536
Harwel 701 726
Salebhat 841 832
Chiprel 812 1032
Mahurbeda 441 156
Dadargadh 482 161
Jamgaon 388.65 995
Kodobhat 201.65 537
Bayalpur 282.53 461
Kohkameta 436 1143
Gourgoan Chikhaladih 513 1534
Manjhicherra 207.51 773
Sidhawand 524.9 931
Aanwari 1645.91 1605
Undari 163.84 542
Narwa 312.57 476
Nirachhindali 748.9 1315
Batrali 536.41 863
Sargipal 252.72 243
Singanpur 1766.01 3884
Arandi 2058.83 3509
Bedma 563.39 1078
Charbhata 411.72 838
Khetarpal 716.4 1157
Palora 492.25 1033
Nawagarh 455.58 888
Nayanar 572.13 750
Harwakodo 263.19 478
Pipra 6761.61 11728
Masukokoda 951.96 1251
Adenga 2002.96 3831
Pradhancherra 299.99 444
Seonipal 295.21 507
Halia 436 327
Jarandi 285.29 492
Garawandi 928.31 1285
Toskapal 1261.57 1364
Adanbeda 292.9 446
Sikagaon 323.94 552
Salebhat 511.14 911
Nalajhar 925 350

Map of Keskal

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