Indian Village Directory

Dantewada is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Dakshin Bastar Dantewada District of Chhattisgarh. According to Census 2011 information Dantewada has a population of 94351 peoples. There are 22233 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Dantewada sub-district of Chhattisgarh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Dantewada
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 28640 28640 47024
Female Population 30643 16684 47327
Households 13678 8555 22233
list of all Villages in Dantewada
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Jaram 565.17 716
Pondum 3822.88 2764
Karnjener 76.3 139
Murki 467.77 721
Balood 1876.53 3352
Chitaloor 521.88 1020
Matenar 1008.78 1516
Fulnar 1408.06 920
Badegodre 199.27 320
Chhotegodre 39.83 105
Teknar 1380.88 1797
Balpet 785.49 1568
Bhairamband 148.58 324
Chitalanka 762.82 2290
Midkulnar 513.04 614
Rewnar 69.62 0
Bhogam 812.99 841
Purantarai 463.58 449
Degalras 721.31 672
Tudparas 316.38 481
Kawalnar 1149.12 1007
Keshapur 931.92 905
Gondpal 391.81 349
Kuper 551.23 985
Pandewar 506.35 680
Mangnar 440.46 608
Jhirka 470.7 305
Kamaloor 956.66 557
Kundeli 860.8 572
Kumharras 922.93 1309
Gamawada 2138.78 1574
Dhurli 1718.27 2068
Basanpur 408.57 226
Jharalawa 0 0
Bhansi 667.82 1365
Porokameli 124.48 200
Badekameli 1854.85 1741
Nerli 638.46 871
Padhapur 252.3 406
Pinabacheli 442.01 321
Behnar 640.79 430
Bainpal 426.8 709
Dugeli 3242.11 2646
Cholnar(Siwanapdar) 104.18 0
Udela 241.97 212
Kuhchepal 158.12 267
Molasnar 2091.63 1619
Ganjenar 1906.55 2109
Masenar 2331.55 2048
Gadapal 2150.21 1671
Muskel 1015.58 640
Toylanka 1699.19 1088
Kawadgaon 976.96 941
Dumam 589.48 523
Dabpal 443.98 393
Mendoli 834.57 731
Metapal 4637.62 4435
Netapur 72.54 728
Chandenar 83.94 1435

Map of Dantewada

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