Indian Village Directory


The capital of Goa is Panaji, Its population is 1457723 as per the 2011 census. The state covers an area of 3,702 sq km, Konkani, Marathi, English, Hindi, Portuguese are the main languages of Goa.

List of Districts in Goa
District Total Population(2011) Total Village
North Goa 818008 194
South Goa 640537 140
Fact of Goa
Official Website
Date of Formation 1987-05-30
Area 3,702 sq km
Density 394/Km2
Population (2011) 1457723
Males Population (2011) 740711
Females Population (2011) 717012
No. of District 2
Capital Panaji
Rivers Mandovi, Zuari, Terekhol, Chaporakushavati, Sal, Talpona
Forests & National Park Bondla WS, Mollem NP, Dr. Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, Cotigao WS, Bhagwan Mahavir WS
Languages Konkani, Marathi, English, Hindi, Portuguese
Neighbours State Maharashtra, Karnataka
State Animal Gaur
State Bird Black Crested Bulbul
State Tree Matti
Net State Domestic Product (2011) 168572
Literacy Rate (2011) 0.7931
Females per 1000 males 968
Assembly constituency 40
Parliamentary constituency 2

Map of Goa

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