Indian Village Directory

Jambusar is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bharuch District of Gujarat. According to Census 2011 information Jambusar has a population of 197038 peoples. There are 40620 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Jambusar sub-district of Gujarat state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Jambusar
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 79981 79981 102455
Female Population 73713 20870 94583
Households 32277 8343 40620
list of all Villages in Jambusar
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Degam 5925.1 5802
Gulal 421.07 406
Mahamadpor Kamboi 1926.79 749
Kavi 4104.11 10428
Nahar 568.64 1761
Sarod 7380.23 7854
Valipore 1690.75 397
Kareli 2151.72 5719
Kahanava 972.97 8809
Piludara 720.62 4960
Vedach 3582.38 7921
Uber 4397.11 3702
Nondhana 589.6 1546
Amanpor Mota 597.45 723
Amanpor Nana 335.37 641
Samoj 866.05 1493
Kavli 1031.4 2292
Aurangpor Timbi 140.51 204
Kangam 1735.7 2261
Runad 885.95 1521
Hamadpor Kanthariya 239.48 367
Kimoj 952.2 873
Sigam 1818.23 2551
Muradpor Neja 476.26 560
Chandpor Marva 155.49 85
Zamdi 1639.1 1107
Salehpor Sangdi 294.18 468
Kaliari 448.53 714
Thanava 139.03 675
Vadadala 669.16 1064
Kora 1356.5 1376
Tundaj 1042.64 1585
Bhodar 590.51 991
Nobar 968.81 1819
Dabha 1465.04 4334
Gajera 1505.76 4793
Uchchhad 726.66 2871
Vavli 331.67 1407
Umra 688.59 1047
Karmad 706.24 1107
Rampore 509.53 781
Panchakada 556.41 699
Shambha 477.45 630
Jantran 2257.45 2535
Dahri 805.59 820
Chhidra 1363.69 1546
Molpore 3088.52 2642
Bhadkodaro 1938.38 3612
Madafar 999.44 1582
Vad 504.01 468
Kava 2094.86 1725
Limaj 213.85 521
Koteshwar 325.7 813
Bhankhetar 162.99 580
Anakhi 1490.07 2783
Vahelam 567.44 809
Bojadra 1101.4 1621
Jafarpara 305.09 672
Nadiad 845.79 662
Chandpor Bara 294.16 281
Panchpipla 253.16 76
Kansagar 637.5 345
Sindhav 1065.66 427
Devla 5683.15 4435
Thakore Talavdi 497.37 247
Asanvad 391.68 280
Bakarpor Timbi 559.73 435
Singarna 431.66 429
Sardarpura 398.34 411
Vanseta 384.09 508
Kalak 1623.78 2203
Magnad 1471.74 3613
Mahapara 298.16 519
Kundhal 681.96 477
Dolia 837.92 799
Tankari 4638.04 4415
Islampore 1108.89 1328
Kapuria 1138.95 413
Nada 3662.85 2697
Asarsa 1107.1 841
Khanpor Deh 2852.76 4031

Map of Jambusar

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