Indian Village Directory

Mendarda is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Junagadh District of Gujarat. According to Census 2011 information Mendarda has a population of 68531 peoples. There are 14832 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Mendarda sub-district of Gujarat state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Mendarda
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 35440 35440 35440
Female Population 33091 0 33091
Households 14832 0 14832
list of all Villages in Mendarda
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Arniyala 1052.9 2607
Simasi 720.14 1608
Mithapur 498.02 1087
Khadpipli 516.65 820
Khim Padar 644.28 1506
Nagalpur 1254.46 2388
Datrana 1883.35 4212
Alidhra 1469.92 2701
Barvala 502.02 1217
Dhandhawada 338.23 483
Samadhiyala 1042.87 2766
Chiroda 939.99 2536
Gundala 1074.29 2162
Jhinjhuda 1323.55 1641
Najapur 311.94 622
Mendarda 1924 15766
Amargadh 516.21 703
Rajesar 1006.65 1911
Ambla 540.67 981
Rajavad 563.54 679
Devgadh 943.71 901
Babar Tirath 531.5 628
Manpur 575.31 1026
Moti Khodiyar 859.07 1495
Nataliya 364.46 344
Nani Khodiyar 670.79 2021
Itali 718.02 1517
Kanthala Nes 0 67
Kiloriya Nes 0 0
Vaniya Vav 0 103
Kenadipur 833.82 1140
Ambala 1492.52 1715
Lilva 605.01 890
Khijadiya 693.35 639
Gadhali 679.21 940
Patarama 675.85 851
Chandravadi 705.29 906
Dedakiyal 517.37 1069
Timbi 609.51 0
Malanka 2246.23 1333
Jambudi Nes 0 0
Karsangadh 1067.98 218
Gundiyali 429.22 322
Amrapur 846.17 1033
Ranidhar 424.13 247
Gadakiya 182.02 99
Surajgadh 1198.9 263
Najapur (Chhatariya) 392.92 368

Map of Mendarda

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