Indian Village Directory

Sinor is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Vadodara District of Gujarat. According to Census 2011 information Sinor has a population of 65440 peoples. There are 14824 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Sinor sub-district of Gujarat state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Sinor
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 33912 33912 33912
Female Population 31528 0 31528
Households 14824 0 14824
list of all Villages in Sinor
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Timbarva 1550.86 2047
Nana Habipura 322.25 771
Garadi 378.52 1223
Sandha 290.29 714
Damnagar 328.65 587
Nana Karala 541.33 1173
Vaniyad 631.77 851
Anandi 758.14 1470
Puniyad 683.38 1426
Bhekhada 201.13 572
Chhanbhoi 523.86 817
Achisara 732.47 937
Tarva 522.44 808
Tinglod 466.73 819
Bavaliya 630.32 851
Utraj 676.08 1851
Sadhli 1132.58 6269
Avakhal 1343.83 3162
Malpur 461.27 1179
Segva 452.89 1414
Satisana 670.61 937
Mota Karala 907.51 1932
Simli 843.89 1695
Kukas 779.55 1885
Tersa 316.12 761
Manjrol 920.26 1903
Mindhol 913.17 1517
Diver 981.22 1252
Surasamal 1109.27 1982
Damapura 454.08 692
Mota Fofaliya 943.12 2235
Bithali 592.69 1045
Dariapura 240.44 315
Moletha 1253.16 1402
Ambali 481.66 765
Kanjetha 901.37 786
Sinor 1620 8041
Mandva 467.08 1756
Malsar 808.28 2284
Zanzad 842.67 1418
Barkal 576.6 1896

Map of Sinor

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