Indian Village Directory

Badhra is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bhiwani District of Haryana. According to Census 2011 information Badhra has a population of 118084 peoples. There are 22407 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Badhra sub-district of Haryana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Badhra
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 62791 62791 62791
Female Population 55293 0 55293
Households 22407 0 22407
list of all Villages in Badhra
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Govindpura(49) 925 2000
Khorra(48) 979 2358
Kari Tokha(47) 350 1006
Kari Adu(46) 399 1308
Kari Rupa(45) 549 1203
Kari Dass(44) 453 1387
Bhopali(33) 459 841
Sham Kalyan(32) 693 1955
Dandma(34) 953 2731
Duwarka(31) 1093 2705
Ladawas(30) 707 1992
Kakroli Hukmi(29) 1454 3638
Bhariwass(28) 342 447
Jeetpura(27) 879 2258
Umerwas(10) 1121 2263
Rehrodhi(11) 841 2839
Kakroli Sardara(26) 807 2951
Kakroli Hatti(25) 798 2400
Rehroda Khurd(13) 278 430
Rehroda Kalan(12) 381 1378
Bilawal(86) 896 2578
Bindraban(14) 447 853
Pichopa Khurd(16) 679 2958
Mandi Haria(21) 784 2140
Mandhi Piranu (20) 439 1100
Mandi Kehar (22) 435 1593
Jagrambass(24) 660 1975
Huee(23) 469 1566
Dalawas(36) 406 965
Gopi(35) 789 2056
Pachganwa(173) 278 847
Kari Modh(43) 718 1783
Kari Dharni(42) 730 1668
Badhra(40) 1505 6333
Jewali(37) 1014 3161
Berla(19) 2225 6974
Kubja Nagar(17) 358 919
Todi(18) 609 1855
Dagroli(63) 975 3019
Kanhra(62) 693 1696
Nimar(61) 616 1896
Kiskanda(56) 566 1174
Chandwas(38) 667 1842
Hansawas Khurd(39) 571 1814
Hansawas Kalan(54) 695 1745
Bhandwa(41) 933 3306
Muthra(50) 677 622
Surajgarh(51) 395 771
Lad (52) 764 2376
Nandha(53) 1284 3707
Dhanasri(55) 635 2148
Kadma(57) 2282 7370
Badrai(9) 1117 2669
Gopalwas(10) 771 2515

Map of Badhra

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