Indian Village Directory

Bawani Khera is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Bhiwani District of Haryana. According to Census 2011 information Bawani Khera has a population of 127035 peoples. There are 24047 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Bawani Khera sub-district of Haryana state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Bawani Khera
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 56427 56427 67219
Female Population 50319 9497 59816
Households 20157 3890 24047
list of all Villages in Bawani Khera
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Rohnat (35) 1756 3785
Ratera (34) 2255 5572
Bohal (37) 625 1919
Siper (36) 1000 2441
Jamalpur (40) 2240 8846
Paposa (41) 1161 3731
Aurangnagar (134) 409 387
Barsi (133) 4836 23327
Siwana (132) 1956 5478
Bawani Khera (Rural)(42) 5108 906
Baliali (44) 3494 12440
Ramupura (27) 608 1977
Sui (46) 1147 5063
Taga (45) 264 45
Lohari Jatu (47) 2424 8971
Sumra Khera (43) 484 875
Pur (49) 2029 6961
Siwara (50) 1126 4176
Kungar (131) 2631 9846

Map of Bawani Khera

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