Indian Village Directory

Zanskar is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Kargil District of Jammu and Kashmir. According to Census 2011 information Zanskar has a population of 13793 peoples. There are 2327 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Zanskar sub-district of Jammu and Kashmir state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Zanskar
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 7008 7008 7008
Female Population 6785 0 6785
Households 2327 0 2327
list of all Villages in Zanskar
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Akshow 115.3 332
Abran 158.6 418
Hamiling 94.29 266
Remala Skyagam 135.2 588
Phey 172.8 509
Ating 212.1 605
Rantaq Shah 91 358
Tonrian Thagan 168.3 573
Techa Khasar 124.6 290
Seni 158.6 614
Selapigai Pak 265.9 701
Padam 342 1538
Upti Pipiting 239.6 941
Salapi Ruruk 133.55 361
Lungmi Rezing 172.4 478
Karshah 322.1 964
Zangla 227.8 954
Tangday Kumi 256.6 914
Pipcha 100.77 213
Shan Shaday 78.9 244
Ruru Moony 186.2 329
Chah 83.8 465
Icher 123.4 249
Testa 170.8 460
Kargyak 176.4 429

Map of Zanskar

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