Indian Village Directory

Devsar is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Kulgam District of Jammu and Kashmir. According to Census 2011 information Devsar has a population of 31893 peoples. There are 4924 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Devsar sub-district of Jammu and Kashmir state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Devsar
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 11344 11344 16873
Female Population 10784 4236 15020
Households 3530 1394 4924
list of all Villages in Devsar
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Manigam 140.8 1486
Hanji Pora 34.8 321
Nawa Pora 142.1 1900
Malpora Brawari 81.8 1060
Hablshi 116.6 1512
Dantehri 32 221
Kadoorah 75.3 451
Agru 65.6 1105
Gund Tokipora 236.3 1658
Kelam Bozgam 313.2 5369
Mangal Pora 22.3 498
Zongal Pora 217.7 2217
Khah Gund 72.4 0
Zeipora Devsar 59.1 656
Ban Gheehal 44.5 704
Sopat Tangpora 339.5 2970

Map of Devsar

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