Indian Village Directory

Manika is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Latehar District of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011 information Manika has a population of 88095 peoples. There are 16185 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Manika sub-district of Jharkhand state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Manika
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 44923 44923 44923
Female Population 43172 0 43172
Households 16185 0 16185
list of all Villages in Manika
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kurumkheta 122 118
Hatla 280 626
Antikheta 301 719
Ambatikar 168 189
Jabla 147 329
Patki 283 250
Humamara 165 281
Siwacharan Tola 248 356
Jamuna 812 864
Sinjo 508 3096
Manika 886 4165
Banri 243 1215
Ejamar 245 517
Namudag 311 2210
Manikdih 209 526
Chechendha 251 596
Kutmu 168 287
Pokhri 105 323
Nawadih 125 462
Simri 510 1192
Barwadih 35 856
Dumbi 117 359
Khapiadih 27 0
Dasdih 416 94
Bhatko 204 972
Jagtu 104 591
Jerua 777 997
Baraitola 21 134
Dumri 33 406
Kope 288 1363
Lanka 1262 1503
Sewdhara 150 422
Koili 195 295
Kui 690 2041
Ranki Kalan 557 1982
Agardih Mandhania 195 675
Sadhwadih 969 2088
Bandua 1185 4015
Jamho 1081 3069
Patna 552 967
Barwaia Kalan 529 2647
Betla 91 354
Barwaia Khurd 103 564
Matnog 282 1616
Chama 398 1355
Sewan 59 432
Doki 765 1458
Siris 73 439
Baraitu 466 1336
Hesatu 483 636
Pagar 163 270
Seldag 235 314
Pasagam 461 593
Sonsdohar 22 36
Sardandag 506 781
Naihara 248 783
Kurund 435 1055
Kurid 703 839
Beang 421 680
Newar 371 483
Bikra 465 76
Kuchal 514 174
Matnag 391 0
Rewad Kalan 259 856
Rewad Khurd 466 820
Jalima 388 291
Bishunbandh 616 1423
Salgi 62 253
Madandih 159 219
Bichlidag 385 754
Dundu 1714 3544
Mail 1117 2885
Uraontoli 18 511
Ara 18 255
Matlaung 1134 3700
Palhea 881 2523
Puruipalhea 98 1138
Jungur 735 4096
Aunratanr 565 2309
Lali 491 1947
Nadbelwa 288 487
Deobar 634 667
Barkadih 516 1173
Lawagara 211 173

Map of Manika

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