Indian Village Directory

Bano is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Simdega District of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011 information Bano has a population of 80462 peoples. There are 16236 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Bano sub-district of Jharkhand state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Bano
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 39855 39855 39855
Female Population 40607 0 40607
Households 16236 0 16236
list of all Villages in Bano
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Jorponda 466.47 905
Kohipat 226.03 457
Jorobari 679.64 1227
Biruli 365 425
Kenwgutu 356.88 529
Hurda 373 1077
Jamtai 653.12 1129
Marani 323 657
Raikera 2060 2789
Tembro 411 323
Kanta 211 306
Chandsay 512.69 662
Gerda 654.48 1519
Genmer 605.24 1563
Khijurbahar 173 237
Toneya 897.6 945
Karkata 296.78 350
Jamur Soiya 684.78 606
Pangur 852.78 845
Marikel 354 185
Saubera 1100.54 1666
Hurpi 356.58 657
Hatinghore 552 1367
Dumbariya 2064.62 2608
Sotasoya 448 498
Urmu 693 652
Konop 338.62 314
Garra 264 435
Pohshar 549 590
Hatnahdah 326 471
Latakel 465 916
Konaroia 322 664
Paro 835 1686
Loasokra 781.28 769
Chhotkaduil 258 259
Barkaduil 480.73 918
Bingora 219.6 196
Lamgarh 594 633
Maimsar 137.87 273
Barerpa 86 154
Kudrung 164 220
Sikrom 162 226
Bintuka 718.41 850
Nawagaon 295.43 473
Kusum 235 413
Nimtur 337 632
Kebetang 227 327
Turuyu 499 557
Barumda 442.91 311
Bamulda 763 1121
Konaroa 1686 2979
Jarakel 976 1977
Pabura 552 1201
Jamang 257.9 460
Kenduda 207 293
Chatuora 192.66 307
Ukauli 936 1186
Chodordah 177.73 234
Bano 858 5072
Samdega 379 1033
Soe 569 1278
Unikel 177.81 352
Ela 461.54 1220
Mahabuang 357 624
Chorbandu 489.01 455
Tinrongra 655.17 690
Sijang 678.63 691
Sora 528 883
Chaklabasa 383 269
Buruhonjer 641 769
Sikorda 987.97 977
Banki 2342 2027
Ramjal 2021.84 1559
Sumuibera 839.56 597
Binjamarcha 328.14 362
Bera Erge 1581 1162
Olhan 1122 980
Sutriuli 361 453
Buru Erge 895 941
Rabai 283 342
Jamtoli 417.19 760
Bandu 566.43 659
Ketka 577.69 1161
Semhatu 1175 1489
Beroseta 534.41 1318
Barbera 491 356
Kauwajor 175.1 210
Konsode 709.19 1471
Chhotketunga 255 582
Kuruchdega 326 628
Birta 490 837
Jaldega 580 762
Bujga 889.34 1264

Map of Bano

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