Indian Village Directory

Bansjor is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Simdega District of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011 information Bansjor has a population of 25519 peoples. There are 4981 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Bansjor sub-district of Jharkhand state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Bansjor
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 12856 12856 12856
Female Population 12663 0 12663
Households 4981 0 4981
list of all Villages in Bansjor
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Junadih 478.96 449
Bendochuan 436 432
Bongera 1171.31 1481
Dongapani 905 1080
Bansjor 1529 4282
Bardega 360 850
Ginikera 730.48 1777
Kachhupari 384 1345
Targa 712 2020
Patrapali 23 237
Bhukumunda 117 512
Sakambahar 71 180
Siharjor 562 1166
Kulamara 954 1210
Kurkura 1114 2003
Urte 2240.54 2693
Kambakera 1896 2304
Bhanwarchaba 222 234
Robga 1201 1264

Map of Bansjor

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