Indian Village Directory

Pakar Tanr is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Simdega District of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011 information Pakar Tanr has a population of 37507 peoples. There are 7357 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Pakar Tanr sub-district of Jharkhand state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Pakar Tanr
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 19065 19065 19065
Female Population 18442 0 18442
Households 7357 0 7357
list of all Villages in Pakar Tanr
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Kinbira 894 1870
Kairbera 1798.04 2051
Rengapani 589 437
Hardibera 798 535
Kesalpur 2103 1903
Basatpur 791 829
Purnapani 478.94 453
Karamukha 415.68 496
Takwa 524.05 936
Asanbera 1228.51 1375
Gondlipani 872.97 840
Katasaru 662 440
Sirupardhiya 166 314
Lailonga 541 594
Bhundupani 485.29 489
Kurushkela 1934 1650
Serlonga 699 542
Ghaghra 616 627
Bhelwadih 649 1236
Kewanddih 2586 1998
Koleang 909.58 2015
Pakardanr 2399 3098
Nanesera 835 1336
Palidih 203 807
Sarkhutoli 526 1141
Masekera 153 210
Dumardih 617 795
Sikariyadanr 1843 4372
Pahargurda 345 448
Khanjaloya 555.35 883
Sogra 1465 2787

Map of Pakar Tanr

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