Indian Village Directory

Simdega is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Simdega District of Jharkhand. According to Census 2011 information Simdega has a population of 115075 peoples. There are 22177 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Simdega sub-district of Jharkhand state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Simdega
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 36093 36093 57977
Female Population 36038 21060 57098
Households 13925 8252 22177
list of all Villages in Simdega
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Hathabhanri 1509 1102
Kulukera 4043 4279
Banabira 815 1874
Dumardih 475 594
Kindardega 989 685
Dhengurjore Alias Chiarikant 1376 1074
Japkakona 1049 1157
Taisra 656 1854
Sewai 2239 5169
Bendojor 587 1124
Birkera 479 864
Sansewai 871 1867
Rigri 365 1012
Golda 292 612
Meromloya 391.41 595
Barkichhapar 227 348
Jamunakhar 378 849
Tumdegi 282 640
Semarbera 163.32 204
Pithra 1818 3992
Kochedega 2378 4510
Chiksura 299 468
Tabhadih 546 1415
Tamra 837 2709
Biru 1967.1 4364
Kamtara 282 757
Akura 59 228
Bherikudar 370 1259
Bakatangar 126.63 266
Bindhartoli 380 511
Belkarcha 24.31 184
Phulwartangar 1480 1155
Jokari 52.17 120
Arani 1121 1178
Nawatoli 276.08 359
Kurrung (Kudrung) 1592 1440
Bhanwarpani 585 801
Barpanichhota 126 78
Birkera 524 649
Pindatangar 280 398
Koleyadamar 132 115
Ghosna 144 388
Bangru 628 1762
Pharsabera 463 912
Khutitoli 275 1775
Madhuban 236 459
Baghlata 186.08 288
Garja 1056.24 2514
Kharwagarha 305.66 542
Kasaidohar 274 554
Tilma (Tilga) 327.14 645
Jamadohar 376 523
Katukona 338 804
Tirra 602 846
Bara Barpani 687 1532
Thalkobera 397.73 440
Belgarh 412 418
Jokbahar 1354 2293
Muriya 1376 1496
Konbera 289 264
Danrgurda 338.1 817

Map of Simdega

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