Indian Village Directory

Kundapura is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Udupi District of Karnataka. According to Census 2011 information Kundapura has a population of 398471 peoples. There are 79573 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Kundapura sub-district of Karnataka state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Kundapura
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 167859 167859 187586
Female Population 189939 20946 210885
Households 71170 8403 79573
list of all Villages in Kundapura
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Shiroor 1466.48 17432
Yedthare 3503.35 9627
Paduvari 1577.27 6977
Uppunda 530.62 11456
Bijoor 1037.17 6975
Nandanavana 96.83 1032
Kergal 432.56 3390
Kirimanjeshwar 772.62 7454
Kambadakone 478.14 3806
Ulloor [11] 764.21 2274
Navunda 622.92 5749
Badakere 370.96 1711
Maravanthe 451.36 5265
Hadavu 225.29 1158
Nada 1134.6 4516
Heroor 1755.66 2588
Kalthodu 4212.71 5172
Heranjal 574.56 1688
Thagarasi 1847.88 3108
Byndoor 4347.72 5245
Yeljith 3408.72 2539
Kollur 9800.58 3265
Golihole 4584.4 3479
Jadkal 4944.01 3834
Mudoor 6001.92 2973
Hallihole 2930.23 2328
Trashi 536.67 3140
Hosadu 539.4 3261
Gujjadi 705.39 6042
Gangolli 407.04 13014
Uppinakudru 455.69 2336
Tallur 488.53 3801
Hattiangadi 431.38 1897
Kanyana 540.51 2182
Kattabelthoor 519.22 3170
Hemmadi 623.13 4293
Hakladi 613.61 2883
Senapur 668.34 2572
Harkoor 1354.68 2008
Kundabarandadi 486.7 1570
Noojadi 681.56 1842
Devalkunda 542.35 1766
Kenchanoor 496.38 1324
Gulvadi 1153.24 4840
Karkunje 1843.14 4361
Vandse 988.12 2751
Aloor 1984.47 3584
Idurkunhadi 1719.97 2142
Chittoor 1847.69 2917
Hosoor 2297.63 2360
Keradi 2669.58 2574
Bellal 2581.22 2780
Kodladi 1377.89 1962
Kavrady 1228.86 5224
Halnad 401.52 1112
Ampar 2168.4 4943
Shankaranarayana 2312.48 5144
Siddapur 3008.79 7401
Ajri 3033.62 4017
Kamalashile 1847.7 1410
Edmoge 2705.84 2120
Hosangadi 3541.88 4872
Machattu 5314.33 2616
Ulloor 74 2266.13 3346
Kulanje 1440.7 1987
Hangaloor 342.74 4547
Koni 472.41 3760
Beejadi 434.55 6275
Gopadi 236.49 3332
Vakwadi 533.19 2763
Thekkatte 543.73 5590
Ulthoor 481.89 1798
Beloor 883.25 3340
Kedoor 636.88 2131
Kumbashi 451.13 5585
Asodu 441.39 1114
Kalavara 756.87 2764
Kandavara 761.48 3357
Anagalli 660.31 3060
Basrur 576.44 6613
Balkur 470.71 2998
Japthi 902.61 2178
Hombady-Mandadi 402.8 1570
Korgi 997.55 2323
Heskathoor 288.42 980
Hallady-Harkadi 423.43 1606
Yedyadi-Mathyadi 1088.43 2656
Molahalli 2044.34 4079
Hardally-Mandally 1251.58 3298
Harady (28) 459.5 1262
Halady (76) 1503.63 2791
Hengavalli 2603.58 3446
Belve 2260.78 3455
Albadi 1640 3408
Shedimane 2200.2 2370
Rattadi 1284.95 1943
Amasebailu 5929.6 3034
Madammakki 4178.92 1767

Map of Kundapura

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