Indian Village Directory

Orchha is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Tikamgarh District of Madhya Pradesh. According to Census 2011 information Orchha has a population of 47358 peoples. There are 9625 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Orchha sub-district of Madhya Pradesh state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Orchha
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 19115 19115 25191
Female Population 16732 5435 22167
Households 7216 2409 9625
list of all Villages in Orchha
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Mathura Pura 199.5 694
Ramnagar 420.24 849
Gujarra Kalan 407.53 932
Jamuniya Bhata 197.45 251
Gujarra Khurd 336.43 1044
Jamuniya Khas 372.15 1776
Bangay Har 289.89 64
Majra Bangaya 268.96 514
Maharajpura 547.43 1316
Bangay Khas 521.44 1851
Rajpura 604.97 1422
Kari Pahari 382.62 1036
Janoli 422.72 1438
Chandawani Khas 956.6 5557
Chandawani Bhata 258.05 0
Chakarpur 479.81 1687
Lathesara 275.77 710
Pathari 535.96 1668
Bagan 235.24 615
Radhapur 190.22 832
Ladpura North 164.42 270
Ladpura Khas 350.59 918
Mador Bhata 451.57 0
Mador West 247.52 722
Mador East 232.3 2368
Chandrawan 157.79 203
Pratap Pura 390.48 956
Kumharra Bhata 236.63 193
Kumharra Khas 285.42 1503
Jijora 360.48 1386
Basoba 394.1 1520
Sitapur 328.74 704
Ghatwaha 234.47 458
Bhojpura 175.13 390

Map of Orchha

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