Indian Village Directory

Ballarpur is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Chandrapur District of Maharashtra. According to Census 2011 information Ballarpur has a population of 134540 peoples. There are 30427 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Ballarpur sub-district of Maharashtra state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Ballarpur
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 16741 16741 69461
Female Population 15113 49966 65079
Households 7651 22776 30427
list of all Villages in Ballarpur
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Charwat 329.63 297
Hadasti 377.03 854
Dharmashala Tukum 55.43 248
Bhivkund 1180.19 810
Kem Tukum 126.82 321
Kem Rith 244.28 120
Bamhani 606.66 4349
Dudholi 268.24 856
Daheli 492.64 1170
Ashti 515.34 58
Lawari 430.67 1116
Jogapur 282.1 1193
Korti Makta 564.23 965
Korti Tukum 109.84 132
Kalamna 530 1295
Amdi 645.54 935
Palasgaon 925.93 2402
Kinhi 1031.95 916
Nimgata Makta 118.11 0
Nimgata Chak 251.01 510
Itoli Chak No.1 219.7 1034
Mohali Tukum 93.03 392
Asegaon 198.36 246
Gilbili 780.89 1033
Itoli Chak No.2. 147.3 0
Manora 358.84 2462
Kawadjai 1526.7 1694
Haran Payali 806.73 13
Kothari 1235.34 5798
Katwali 606.46 635
Khamturla 81.36 0

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