Indian Village Directory

Keirao Bitra is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Imphal East District of Manipur. According to Census 2011 information Keirao Bitra has a population of 82024 peoples. There are 15996 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Keirao Bitra sub-district of Manipur state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Keirao Bitra
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 35469 35469 40779
Female Population 35799 5446 41245
Households 13908 2088 15996
list of all Villages in Keirao Bitra
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Uchekon Khunou 148.55 1573
Takhok Awang 647.78 1288
Takhok Makha 853.09 601
Bamon Kampu 201.94 2788
Machahal 123.49 463
Kalika 173.47 284
Leitambi 327.54 0
Keirao Makting 299.16 5319
Urup 957.26 4990
Arapti 799.4 1495
Kiyamgei Muslim 868.74 2614
Keirao-Bitra 472.6 2470
Keirao-Langdum 676.15 2275
Langthrei Loukon 613.87 153
Khanarok 255.6 570
Keirao-Wangkhem 563.86 1071
Thiyam-Konjil 572.87 2077
Chanam Sandrok 0 1597
Waithou Chiru 93.42 554
Huikap 505.77 3383
Karpur Shungba 425.25 144
Angtha 163.37 2913
Lemba Khul 308.68 22
Tulihal 597.26 5594
Kaina 173.24 154
Poiroukhongjil 309.45 3089
Top-Chingtha 1052.6 4985
Yambem 770.5 5705
Nungkot 308.37 115
Kamu Yaithibi 464.12 70
Andro(Pt) 308.7 1014
Changamdabi 412.93 6419
Moirang Purel 642.09 2572
Itham 234.33 769
Monthou 180.83 306
Nung Brung 218.71 1832

Map of Keirao Bitra

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