Indian Village Directory

Darlawn is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Aizawl District of Mizoram. According to Census 2011 information Darlawn has a population of 26048 peoples. There are 5233 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Darlawn sub-district of Mizoram state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Darlawn
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 11519 11519 13377
Female Population 10760 1911 12671
Households 4437 796 5233
list of all Villages in Darlawn
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Zokhawthiang 0 955
Kani 0 224
N.Tinghmun 0 873
Zohmun 0 1399
Palsang 0 370
Upper Sakawrdai 0 144
Lower Sakawrdai 0 2505
N.Khawdungsei 0 251
Vaitin 0 1069
Khawpuar 0 556
Luakchhuah 0 0
Old Vervek 0 0
Vervek 0 205
Thingsat 0 154
New Vervek 0 729
Lungsum 0 413
Ratu 0 2176
Sunhluchhip 0 568
Sailutar 0 536
Old Tengtawng 0 0
N.Serzawl 0 601
Sawleng 0 1452
Chhanchhuahna Khawpui 0 134
Kepran 0 708
E.Phaileng 0 1141
Pehlawn 0 685
Khawkawi 0 0
Khanpui 0 1499
Khawruhlian 0 2111
Tuirinikai 0 0
Hmunnghak 0 316
Lailak 0 505

Map of Darlawn

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