Indian Village Directory

Chumukedima is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Dimapur District of Nagaland. According to Census 2011 information Chumukedima has a population of 125400 peoples. There are 24764 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Chumukedima sub-district of Nagaland state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Chumukedima
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 42733 42733 64337
Female Population 39151 21912 61063
Households 16164 8600 24764
list of all Villages in Chumukedima
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Aoyim 0 123
Shozukhu 0 610
L. Hotovi 0 198
Domukhia 0 365
Khushiabill 0 2229
Bamunpukhuri 'B' 0 461
Bamunpukhuri 'A' 0 800
Vipon 0 0
Darogajan 0 865
Doshehe 0 556
Zani 0 661
Samaguri 0 661
Puranabazar 'B' 0 1257
Toluvi 0 1841
Naharbari 0 3418
Padampukhuri 0 6177
Dubagaon 0 599
Eralibill 0 2132
Ekrani Pathar 0 790
Aoyimti 0 1649
Darogapathar 0 2052
Thilixu 0 6169
J.V.Perhereilie 0 739
Kirha (UR) 0 707
Chekiye 0 7250
Diphupar 'B' 0 4409
5Th Mile Model 0 1839
Tseithrongse 0 674
Bade 0 2289
Urra 0 489
Diezephe 0 755
Khuovaru 0 447
Singrijan 0 1905
Murise 0 677
Sugarmill Area 0 2910
Sovima 0 3220
Naga United Vill. 0 1492
Vidima 0 573
Khriezephe 0 358
Sodzulhou 0 765
7th Mile Vill. 0 577
Seithekema (New) 0 1497
7th Mile Model 0 568
Tenyiphe I 0 3037
Tenyiphe II 0 1550
Tenyiphe III (Virazouma) 0 1302
Seithekema 'A' 0 716
Seithekema (Old) 0 191
Seithekema 'C' 0 875
Chumoukedima Vill. 0 2779
L. Hetoi 0 0
Shokhuvi 0 3526
K. Hetoi 0 155

Map of Chumukedima

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