Indian Village Directory

Jalukie is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Peren District of Nagaland. According to Census 2011 information Jalukie has a population of 28391 peoples. There are 5701 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Jalukie sub-district of Nagaland state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Jalukie
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 10434 10434 14750
Female Population 9251 4390 13641
Households 3868 1833 5701
list of all Villages in Jalukie
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Inavi (Hevuto) (UR) 0 0
Viniho (UR) 0 0
Jalukiekam 0 525
Jalukie Zangdi 0 1608
Libamphai 0 207
Jalukie 'S' (J. Sangtam) 0 196
Mhaikam 0 706
Jalukielo 0 332
Nkwareu 0 742
Jalukie Rongdai (UR) 0 71
Mhainamtsi 0 1590
New Jalukie 0 2470
Jalukie 'B' 0 2387
Jalukie Lower Khel (UR) 0 306
Samzuram 0 3909
Jalukieram 0 246
Jalukie Upper Khel (UR) 0 282
Jalukie (Old) 0 1087
Dunki 0 1500
Mhai 0 594
Kejanglwa 0 505
Dzukwaram 0 422

Map of Jalukie

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