Indian Village Directory

Asuto is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Zunheboto District of Nagaland. According to Census 2011 information Asuto has a population of 7598 peoples. There are 1546 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Asuto sub-district of Nagaland state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Asuto
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 3876 3876 3876
Female Population 3722 0 3722
Households 1546 0 1546
list of all Villages in Asuto
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Akhakhu 0 250
Khumishi 'B' 0 376
Khumishi 'A' Y. Khel 25 304
Atunakugha 43.3 248
Khumishi 'A' 0 194
T.Island S/Comp. 25.2 111
Kathara 231 291
Yeshito 0 120
Kikhevi 50 203
Yevishe 0 136
Nihoshe (N) 42.6 156
Achikuchu 'B' 0 197
Achikuchu 'A' 0 365
Asuto Hq 13.5 303
Asuto Vill. 104.5 234
Tokiye 0 120
Tazuhumi 411 135
Tuzuhumi 69.9 100
Sahuboto S/Comp. 325 313
Koiboto 60 287
Kitahumi 55.4 150
Satami 485.6 969
Lizutomi 0 759
Aghulitomi 118.7 227
Nizhevi 80 161
Ngozubomi 493.3 487
Melahumi 157 402

Map of Asuto

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