Indian Village Directory

Samal Barrage is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Anugul District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Samal Barrage has a population of 31421 peoples. There are 7794 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Samal Barrage sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Samal Barrage
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 14830 14830 16406
Female Population 13610 1405 15015
Households 7046 748 7794
list of all Villages in Samal Barrage
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Karnapal 349 1082
Kusumpal 42 609
Seepur 1156 2627
Balipasi 101 0
Saradhapur 771 1807
Gangadharpur 310 269
Dangarpal 50 0
Barapal 75 139
Deragola 263 433
Naikanali 180 169
Siaria 261 351
Mahuliapasi 189 285
Fasipal 46 0
Burukuna 185 754
Mahidharpur 304 1332
Badibahal 149 479
Jhhulakhuntia 336 1023
Jhadagram 176 288
Patramunda 85 0
Siling 251 756
parabil 477 1858
Gaunighasa 256 1125
Biru 728 1858
Kulapal 397 159
Mankadachua 8 0
Kandakhaman 96 46
Langalkhol 295 222
Balijharan 232 227
Kashia 122 56
Dholagandia 142 123
Bulajhar 496 477
Dadari 129 11
Gaham 420 2504
Ramachandrapur 7 0
Baruan 218 910
Ratanapur 15 0
Bethia bhuin 55 240
Kateni 7 0
Katarapada 316 1084
Kulei 288 1486
Danarabeda(Dangarbeda) 422 507
Jharan 37 0
Tumugola 326 1131
Bankadhara 52 0
Bhagirathipur 62 27
Khairanali 203 401
Chandrabil 200 826
Dhobapal 300 523
Rabipur 8 25
Chandrasekharpur 90 99
Ranjagol 256 112
Surangijungle 126 0

Map of Samal Barrage

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