Indian Village Directory

Chamakhandi is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Ganjam District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Chamakhandi has a population of 48236 peoples. There are 10785 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Chamakhandi sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Chamakhandi
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 23951 23951 23951
Female Population 24285 0 24285
Households 10785 0 10785
list of all Villages in Chamakhandi
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Keranditolanarayanpur 716 2412
Ramapalli 144 1878
Tanganapalli 296 2207
Krushnachandra Nagaradihi 104 1016
Laxmipur 768 1935
Nuapaitari 83 12
Narasingapur 365 774
Karapalli 116 1372
Nauli 237 1425
Totapalli 19 371
Ballibagada 137 497
Balakrishnapur 171 160
Sindurapalli 234 1416
Ghadaghadapalli 176 1165
Banabulapalli 293 1340
Govindpur 416 2118
Raghunathapur 394 2905
Narendrapur 295 4039
Jaganathapur 318 952
Chamakhandi 547 2635
Sriramachandrapur 1014 4503
Tikiriabarhampur 167 1320
Kanamana 225 1114
Matikhala 444 2331
Paikapada 372 1422
Sindhigan 241 0
Laxmipur 63 223
Badaputi 393 1987
Kalipalli 104 1164
Basanaputi 383 528
Uppalaputi 505 3015

Map of Chamakhandi

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