Indian Village Directory

Dharamgarh is a sub-district / Tehsil / Block (CD) in the Kalahandi District of Odisha. According to Census 2011 information Dharamgarh has a population of 108110 peoples. There are 27846 houses in the sub-district. Here, list of Village in Dharamgarh sub-district of Odisha state, which have area and population.
Populations and Households in Dharamgarh
# Rural Urban Total
Male Population 54437 54437 54437
Female Population 53673 0 53673
Households 27846 0 27846
list of all Villages in Dharamgarh
Villages Area (Hectares) Total Population(2011)
Mukhiguda 371 1167
Kirkakani 761 1695
Bokrasil 357 1251
Rainguda 259 1054
Tekapada 234 847
Kotmer 400 1445
Tipiguda 563 2164
Banjipadar 347 1311
Gataguda 261 1180
Luhagaon 475 1677
Chilchila 460 1849
Brahmanchhendia 445 1253
Srirampur 58 267
Taranja 385 1384
Telipalas 388 1334
Tambachada 391 935
Khanatara 219 1161
Matia 208 583
Dashaghar 317 568
Merghara 390 1135
Kebadi 381 1940
Thanat 319 1811
Kuturu 245 1211
Kanagaon 460 2095
Kankeri 258 3787
Kulihari 626 2661
Chhilpa 554 2534
Rajmoter 465 1845
Bikramguda 349 1663
Godabhanja 228 935
Dharamgarh 744 9842
Kasibahal 711 4128
Talpadar 150 675
Gambhariguda 184 988
Sardhapur 199 710
Khairpadar 755 3057
Kanter 258 1015
Badabasul 497 1625
Rahurahaldi 398 1468
Rajibpur 184 352
Rankabahal 645 1272
Ichhapur 406 1361
Bagad 812 2541
Gadiajor 748 2205
Turihaldi 330 994
Pipala 269 1109
Semla 326 1051
Lachhipur 158 636
Kadalimunda 792 2502
Parla 1022 3543
Trinathpur 101 762
Ambaguda 973 955
Ghumer 820 3421
Khutuluguda 467 1180
Ainlajor 720 1749
Boden 483 2540
Dabripadar 620 1084
Nandagaon 967 3069
Badfurla 641 2444
Malpada 42 474
Biramal 447 1367
Kalopala 892 3249

Map of Dharamgarh

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